Thursday, 17 October 2013

What are the Advantages of Using a Voting/survey Feature on Your Website?

Websites are a fantastic feature for most businesses. They allow you to reach a greater number of customers from a broader area. Today, businesses rarely compete solely at the local level, but on a national, and international level too. It is important to make the most of this space, to make the website as popular as you can for the level of business. One way of doing this is to add a voting feature to your site, and below we are going to explain why.

The internet used to be passive. People would go on there just to browse the various webpages. Aside from the games, it was just a place for reading and watching videos. Today, though, we prefer actually doing something on the internet. We do not want to be passive recipients of information, but we want to engage too. We want to engage with the people who host the website, but also with other users. Hosting polls helps to increase the interactivity of the site; it gives your users an activity to take part in while they are on the website.

Creating a Sense of Community
Having a poll website gives your visitors a chance to talk about something. It provides a relevant subject about which they can speak. By adding a comment section to the poll, you will help to increase a sense of community, and give people an outlet for discussing your website – which, hopefully, is only positive.

Get Feedback
The only way that you can ensure that you are offering your visitors what they need, is to ask them. By asking your visitors and customers for feedback, you can find out where you need to improve, and where you are doing things right. Not only this, but you can separate them into different groups, to find if there is one particular demographic to which you should be offering more.

You can tailor the polls to ask the right questions at the right time. For example, you may sell hand-made jewellery; you can ask if people are planning to buy jewellery for Christmas, if they answer yes, then you will know to make festive jewellery. Clearly, you would tailor your poll to the type of business you are running, but a poll website is a great way to learn about your clientele and the things they need from your business.

There are a few rules in using a poll on your website. They are not fixed in stone, but they will help you to design a poll that people will want to use:

1.       Ask people questions that are relevant to your business. You should understand how to tailor the questions be relevant to your customers. Some things to think about are seasonality, latest trends, and current affairs.
2.       Ask questions that are open-ended, as well as simple single answer questions. This helps to engage your customers and encourages them to enter into discussions.
3.       Make the poll visible. If no one can see it, no one will be able to take it.

In conclusions, hosting interactive polls is a great way to engage with your customers. If you would like to see a poll website in action, then please visit

How to Use Online Polling Sites

Administering an online voting poll is convenient and simple. It has many advantages over real-world polling, including cost savings and time efficiency. However, it is a relatively new concept, and you may not have got to grips with it yet, so if you haven’t then this is the right article for you, because we are going to explain how these sites work. Remember that each site will be slightly different, so what we are providing you with is a generic guideline, rather than a guideline that is specific to a particular site.

Why Are You Using the Site?
There are two reasons why you would use anonline voting poll website:

1.       You want to answer questions
2.       You want to ask questions

Clearly, if you want to answer questions you use the site differently to people who want to ask questions. Answering questions is very easy, you just go onto the site and answer away – you may have to register, but that’s all there is to it.

The process for answering questions is much harder, and this is the area that we will focus on below.

What Do You Want to Know
The most important thing that you need to establish when using online polling sites are the questions that you want to ask. You need to work out exactly what it is you want to know, then ask these questions. You must remember that you should be mostly asking questions that can be answered ‘yes’ ‘no’ and ‘maybe (or some variation)’, and not questions that need detailed answers. It can be quite difficult to develop good questions because you’ll want to ask things that aren’t answered simply. Writing the questions somewhat of a skill, so you should expect to spend a fair amount of time working them out.

Register With an Online Polling Site
Once you know what it is, you want to ask, you have to sign up to a site. There are many differing survey and polling sites online. Some you have to pay for, others you don’t. They all work in a similar manner, but some are easier to navigate than others. You should use those sites that offer the most comprehensive help options, as they will be easier for you to understand if you’re new to online surveys.

Design the Survey
Once you’ve chosen the site and you have your questions, you can then develop the survey. You’ll find that most sites offer you a selection of templates that you can use. You should match the template to the purpose. For instance, if you’re trying to run a professional survey, you’ll want something that is understated, sophisticated and straightforward; but if you’re hosting a survey that’s meant to be fun, then you should use a more upbeat and interactive survey.

That’s really all there is to it. It is very straightforward, but if you would like further information about using an online voting poll, then please visit Poll -

What Sort Of Questions Can You Ask for Fun on the Online Polling Websites?

Online polling websites have become particularly popular over the last couple of years. This is because they are a fantastic business resource. However, it is not just businesses that can benefit from making custom polls: anyone can. For most of us, the online polls are something to do that is fun and interesting. Sometimes, though, you might be stuck for ideas. Below, we have compiled a list of ideas to help make your polls fun.

There are plenty of gamers out there, and new games come out all the time. Instead of buying the game, or downloading a trial run, you can ask other people what they think of the game. This should help you to save money if you are one of those people that buy games, only to find out that you do not really like it.

You have just watched an amazing film, but there is something in it that you cannot work out. Alternatively, you have just watched a film and you think that there is a hidden plotline, and you are wondering if other people think the same. Well, in both these scenarios custompolls make the ideal tool for helping to establish whether your hunch is likely to be right.

You might be thinking that a poll would be a waste of time, because you would just look up the questions online, to see if other people are saying the same thing. Well, you can do that, but how many times have your tried researching a subject only to find that no one is talking about it? Or, that you are sure people are talking about it, but you cannot work out the keywords they must be using.

The latter point happens a lot with technical problems. For instance, I have a piece of software that won’t let me write the address block on more than 5 lines, but sometimes I need to write up to 7 lines for the address. When I look up the question online, I cannot find an answer, but I am sure other people must have the same problem. The reasons I cannot find an answer is because I am not sure how other people are phrasing the question. I can use a survey to find out if other people know of the problem. This is a boring example, because its work related, but it works for movies too. If you have a question, but you do not know how to phrase it in the right way to find the answer online, then you can use a survey to find the answer instead.

Some of us are nosy and we want to know what other people are doing. The most interesting group of people for many of us are celebrities. Using a survey, we can work out what other people think of our favourite, and our least favourite, celebrities. We can ask loads of questions, including:

·         Do you like their new haircut?
·         Is their new film worth a watch?
·         Have they split up with their partner?
·         Are they having a baby?

The questions are endless, and they can be asked in real time. You can literally find out what other people think of an event, as it is unfolding.

The internet is an amazing tool, and it is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Custom polls are a great part of this and if you would like to learn more about them, then please visit

A Guide to Setting-Up and Online Survey or Poll

Online polls are becoming an increasingly important business tool. They help organisations to establish the wants and needs of their clients and customers, informing the organisation about those things they do well, but also about those things that thy need to change. For many businesses that are an invaluable resource that helps them to understand the direction in which they need to take the business. However, it takes skill to make a poll that asks the right questions to the right people at the right time. Below, we discuss the various features that you need to consider when you make a poll. It is important to get it right, because customer feedback is instrumental to business success.

Do You Have the Time and Resources to Make the Survey Yourself?
The first thing that you need to think about is who is going to make the survey. This question is multilayer, and you need to establish the following:

·         Are you going to use an existing survey website? Most people opt to use specialist software or to use survey sites directly, as it’s much more convenient. The problem with this is that you may not be able to put the survey on your site, but instead direct your web traffic to the survey via a link on your site.

·         Or, are you going to use computer programming to develop the survey on your own?Webmasters may choose to make their own surveys using CSS, but it is a long process.

·         Do you need to hire someone to work out what sort of questions need to be asked and to whom they need to be posed? If you know your business well, and it is relatively small, you will probably write the questions yourself.

Work Out What You Want to Know
If you have decided to write the questions yourself then you need to take your time to establish exactly what it is you want to know. You should spend a good few hours working out the questions. You need to make them as simple as possible and make sure that the answer to the question can be either ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘maybe/don’t know’. Think about how the respondent might want to develop the question, and then ask it. For example, you want to know if they like donuts, they say ‘no’, so you want to know ‘why?’ you can’t ask ‘why’, so you need to expand by asking further questions, such as ‘Do you think donuts are too sweet?’,  ‘Do you like strawberry jam?’, etc. Clearly, the way you expand your questions depends on what you want to know from your customers.

Decide Who You Want to Ask
You may want to ask specific customers, for example, those that bought donuts, rather than those who bought scones. You need to make sure that the survey targets the right demographic. To do this you must establish who you want to hear from, and use questions to eliminate those that you don’t want to talk to.

If you would like to make a poll, or if you would like further help and advice, then please visit