Monday, 2 December 2013

Voting is something

Voting is something that usually only the adults can take part in and usually a restriction of age 18 is placed upon the task. This is until now, anyone is able to vote and take part in the pools that are available for you to browse on likepoll. You are able to browse many different categories and cast your vote no matter how significant the subject many be, you are also able to upload yourown polls or make a poll, read on to find out more about on line polling!

This is a fun website for you to be able to interact and see results of some of the latest polls that are trending, and one of the best things about this website is that you do not need to register so your email inbox will not get full of junk mail. You are able to like, dislike and be neutral on hundreds of polls,this is a free and fun way for you to be able to get involved and to express your views and thoughts.

Like poll is a world-wide polling station that you can join and have fun with, it is a place where everyone can tick a box, there are many different categories for you to choose from, such as; the media, sports, politics, business, science, culture, society and other, there are also links to the latest and most popular polls as well as being able to access all polls.

You are able to see the results of all the polls even without having to become a member and without having to pass on any of your details, you can have a little fun and get involved with all the latest trends as well as see what others are voting on. You are also able to see polls that are local, so many issues that might have an impact on you or your community, you can also look at the polls that are globally for everyone to be able to vote on and contribute their views in a yes, no or neutral vote. 

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